Buying a dry erase board might be quite costly, especially if you are looking for a large and stylish piece, to hang at your home. I have resolved that issue with an inexpensive, stylish, straightforward, and super quick, solution that fits any style. So let’s look at what I did.
Can You Use Glass as a Dry Erase Board?
It turns out that you can use glass as a dry erase board. Dry erase markers don’t stain glass since it is not porous, which makes it a perfect canvas. Dry erase markers come off glass very easily, you can use, e.g., a paper towel.
DIY Dry Erase Board
For my DIY dry erase board, I have used a simple picture frame. There is a vast selection of styles and sizes, so you can choose exactly what you want. Just remember, when choosing a frame, make sure that it has a glass front, not plexiglass, as it wouldn’t work.
The Frame
I have bought an inexpensive but beautiful frame that fits perfectly with the style of my home. You can make the DIY project even less expensive if you have some old frames. It is a perfect moment to repurpose them. If they don’t match your style, maybe a coat of paint will help.
The Background
The second thing you will need is a background for the glass. There are many options as to what material you can use, e.g., fabric, decorative paper, wrapping paper, wallpaper, etc. I have chosen a piece of fabric, similar to our chairs next to the board. I love the look of it. It has a depth to it and makes for a more sophisticated look. Whatever backdrop you will choose, just make sure that it is light or dark enough, depending on the color of the marker you will use, so that the text is readable. I would stay away from complicated patterns, which might make the board hard to read.
Another solution for the background is painting the back of the glass. But I don’t find it necessary. It brings additional costs for the paint, you have to spend more time on it, and most importantly, you will be stuck with the color you choose. If you will use material as a backdrop, you will be able to change the look of the board whenever you like. If you are moving, changing the style of your home, or just hanging the board in another room, by changing the background, you can inexpensively transform the look of the board. And if you will need to use it as a picture frame again, that’s not a problem too.
The Result
Below you can see my DIY picture frame dry erase board with a fabric background.
Does Dry Erase Marker Work on Mirrors?
A great place to write notes is also a mirror! Dry erase markers can be used on mirrors since they are not porous, same as glass. Dry erase markers come off mirrors very easily. You don’t have to be afraid that they will stain your mirrors. Just use a paper towel, or, if it has been there for a long time, a window cleaner.
Will Dry Erase Marker Come Off Windows?
Yes, windows can work as a dry erase board, since they are made from glass. A dry erase marker will come off windows very easily with, e.g., a paper towel.
What Material Can You Use as a Dry Erase Board
If you are thinking about other options, you can check the list below of what material can you use as a dry erase board (whiteboard).
– Enameled steel
– Glass
– Melamine (the most common type of whiteboards)
– Mirrors
– Painted aluminum
– Painted steel
– Polypropylene film
– Porcelain
– Windows